Kuwait Requires Job Applicants to Submit Police Clearance from Home Country

Kuwait now requires job applicants to submit a police clearance from their home country – and it is something that you must comply with before you leave the Philippines.

When looking for a job, whether locally or abroad, there are a lot of requirements that applicants must obtain and pass before they get accepted. Though they do entail a lot of costs, it is important to get these documents ready so that you will have no trouble in the future, if there’s a need for you to pass certain requirements and documents.

The Government of Kuwait now actually requires that all non-Kuwaiti citizens applying for Kuwaiti residency provide a police clearance certificate from their home country. Because the documents are checked before you obtain the permit, individuals are advised to obtain the needed documents prior to their arrival in Kuwait.

Take note that though it might be easy to obtain fake documents at certain places in the Philippines, make sure you don’t resort to getting your documents from these sources! You risk getting banned from future employment and might even get in trouble with the authorities for faking your documents.

The police clearance certificate should be authenticated by the Embassy in Kuwait. So, make sure you only submit an authentic police clearance. Also take note that Kuwait requires that the police clearance should be new – and not more than 3 months before entering the country.

Photo credit: Aplikante

Aside from the police clearance certificate from your home country, Kuwait also requires a second police clearance from the forensics department in Kuwait. The country’s Civil Service Commission has already informed various government agencies of this new regulation, for immediate compliance.

To ensure that you will have no trouble upon arrival, everyone is advised to obtain this new requirement before heading to Kuwait.

Using Fake Documents

While it is possible that you might trick the authorities with fake documents, you can get into serious trouble once they find out the truth. So, it is best that you don’t use fake documents even if these are easier and cheaper to obtain.